<META HTTP-EQUIV="PICS-Label" CONTENT='(PICS-1.1 "http://www.rsac.org/ratingsv01.html" l comment "RSACi North America Server" by "inet@microsoft.com" r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))' />
<TITLE>More Case Studies : [Microsoft Windows 2000, customer profiles, case studies, success stories,Business Value Case Studies, Automatic Data Processing, Inc., Barnes & Noble.com, Lockheed Martin, Marks & Spencer, Micronpc.com, VoiceStream Wireless, Dot-Com Companies Powered by Windows 2000, Banyan Worldwide Services, Data Return, Getronics, Lunetterie New Look, Personable.com, SmartMart, Inc., SuperMarkets Online, VirtualBank, Wells Fargo & Company, Case Studies, eHome, Continental Airlines, Banyan, Data Return, Digex.com, IBM Corporation, InfoSpace.com, Partners HealthCare System, Inc.,Personable.com, Supermarkets Online, Inc., Bournemouth University]</TITLE>
<META NAME="DTC_TEMPLATE" CONTENT="Windows 2000 Text and Description TOC" />
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="See how organizations are putting Windows 2000 Professional to work today. Business Value Case Studies emphasize business impacts in dollars and cents, Success Stories showcase effective deployments and Case Studies focus on product highlights." />
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Microsoft Windows 2000, customer profiles, case studies, success stories,Business Value Case Studies, Automatic Data Processing, Inc., Barnes & Noble.com, Lockheed Martin, Marks & Spencer, Micronpc.com, VoiceStream Wireless, Dot-Com Companies Powered by Windows 2000, Banyan Worldwide Services, Data Return, Getronics, Lunetterie New Look, Personable.com, SmartMart, Inc., SuperMarkets Online, VirtualBank, Wells Fargo & Company, Case Studies, eHome, Continental Airlines, Banyan, Data Return, Digex.com, IBM Corporation, InfoSpace.com, Partners HealthCare System, Inc.,Personable.com, Supermarkets Online, Inc., Bournemouth University" />
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<TD WIDTH="100%"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A CLASS="NavLink" HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/features/exploring.asp" target="_top">Technologies in Depth</A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
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<TD WIDTH="100%" CLASS="NavItemSubSelected"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">Case Studies<!--mstheme--></font></TD>
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<TD WIDTH="100%"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A CLASS="NavLink" HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/features/choosing.asp" target="_top">Choosing the Right Server</A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
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<TD CLASS="NavItemSelected" COLSPAN="3"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A CLASS="NavLink" HREF="/windows2000/upgrade/default.asp" TARGET="_top">Upgrading to Windows 2000</A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
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See how organizations are putting Windows 2000 Server to work today. Business Value Case Studies emphasize business impacts in dollars and cents, Success Stories showcase effective deployments and Case Studies focus on product highlights. <!--mstheme--></font></TD>
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<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/adp.asp"><B>Automatic Data Processing, Inc.</B></A><BR />
Autmatic Data Processing (ADP) anticipates over 100 percent return on a Windows 2000 Server upgrade for ADP BrokerView.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/csbn.asp"><B>Barnes & Noble.com</B></A><BR />
A Rapid Economic Justification (REJ) analysis validated by the Giga Information Group determined that Microsoft Windows 2000 Server could help Barnes & Noble.com meet promised delivery dates to its customers and exceed its internal goal of 99 percent on-time delivery this past holiday season—even as the company saw a 300 percent increase in sales and fulfillment transactions.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/cslockheed.asp"><B>Lockheed Martin</B></A><BR />
As part of an ongoing drive to flatten its management infrastructure and improve productivity and profitability, Lockheed Martin intends to implement Microsoft Windows 2000 throughout the enterprise.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/marksspencer.asp"><B>Marks & Spencer</B></A><BR />
Marks & Spencer is a leading retailer with three hundred stores in the UK and more than six hundred stores worldwide. Rapid Economic Justification confirmed Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft BizTalk Server provide the flexibility and options needed for the project, and projected that Marks & Spencer could assess the Net Present Value of the system at ú12m.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/platform/profiles/voicestream.asp"><B>VoiceStream Wireless</B></A><BR />
With the help of Mission Critical Software, VoiceStream Wireless has quickly prepared their current Windows NT environment for Windows 2000. As a result, VoiceStream will be deploying Windows 2000 less than 90 days from its release to take immediate advantage of the powerful management capabilities of the Active Directory service.
<TD WIDTH="16"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/dotcoms/default.asp"><IMG SRC="/windows2000/images/icoFldr4.gif" WIDTH="11" HEIGHT="11" ALT="Go to Dot-Com Companies Powered by Windows 2000" BORDER="0" VSPACE="2" /></A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/dotcoms/default.asp"><B>Dot-Com Companies Powered by Windows 2000</B></A><BR />
Leading dot-com companies are quickly migrating to Windows 2000 as the platform of choice—not only because of the reliability and performance benefits that Windows 2000 offers, but also because the feature-rich Windows 2000 is Internet-enabling new business models for these dot-coms. Learn about the business vision and the technology benefits that are driving these companies.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/banyan.asp"><B>Banyan Worldwide Services</B></A><BR />
Banyan Worldwide Services is not only implementing Windows 2000 operating system internally, but also delivering to customers a comprehensive set of services built around Windows 2000 technology.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/computerjobs.asp"><B>ComputerJobs.com</B></A><BR />
ComputerJobs.com is the premier IT employment Web site. According to Jack Williams, the company’s senior VP of Product Development and Technology, migration to the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system has brought greatly increased server stability, faster installation, increased performance speed, and simplified administration.
<TD WIDTH="16"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/merrill.asp"><IMG SRC="/windows2000/images/icoLink4.gif" WIDTH="11" HEIGHT="11" ALT="Go to Merrill Lynch Enables New World Customer Care" BORDER="0" VSPACE="2" /></A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/merrill.asp"><B>Merrill Lynch Enables New World Customer Care</B></A><BR />
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/cscp.asp"><B>Ceska pojistovna a.s.</B></A><BR />
Ceska pojistovna (CP) offers a range of products and services at 750 sales locations throughout the Czech Republic. The company administers approximately 11 million policies and resolves about 2 million insurance claims annually.
<TD WIDTH="16"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/datareturn.asp"><IMG SRC="/windows2000/images/icoDoc4.gif" WIDTH="11" HEIGHT="11" ALT="Go to Data Return" BORDER="0" VSPACE="2" /></A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/datareturn.asp"><B>Data Return</B></A><BR />
Data Return provides hosting services to customers all over the world and relies on Windows 2000 Server to keep its servers delivering extreme reliability, scalable performance, and easy remote management.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/getronics.asp"><B>Getronics</B></A><BR />
Getronics is upgrading its servers to Windows 2000 because Windows 2000 delivers superior remote administration, simplifies network management, and lowers network operating and support costs.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/goinvest.asp"><B>Goinvest.com, Inc.</B></A><BR />
The company decided to standardize its server and desktop environments on Windows 2000 in order to have a single, reliable, easily supported, and scalable platform.
<TD WIDTH="16"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/IdeaIntegration.asp"><IMG SRC="/windows2000/images/icoDoc4.gif" WIDTH="11" HEIGHT="11" ALT="Go to Idea Integration" BORDER="0" VSPACE="2" /></A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/IdeaIntegration.asp"><B>Idea Integration</B></A><BR />
Field sales representatives of the wholesale lumber and building products distributor Snavely Forest Products (SFP) do not report to a company branch office on a regular basis. Idea Integration analyzed SFP’s problem and recommended a technology solution based on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, using the integrated Terminal Services.
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<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/lunetterie.asp"><B>Lunetterie New Look</B></A><BR />
Lunetterie New Look is an optical chain with 39 stores throughout Quebec and Ontario. New Look is a pilot site in a strategic partnership between Compaq, Microsoft, and the consulting firm TMI. TMI has founded a Windows 2000 laboratory in Quebec to evaluate the new features of Windows 2000.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/personable.asp"><B>Personable.com</B></A><BR />
While other companies in the application-hosting business focus on large enterprises, Personable.com is bringing the convenience of online application access to consumers. It is a business made possible by the powerful reliability, manageability, and Web functionality of the Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server operating system.
<TD WIDTH="16"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/platform/profiles/saab.asp"><IMG SRC="/windows2000/images/icoDoc4.gif" WIDTH="11" HEIGHT="11" ALT="Go to Saab Aircraft" BORDER="0" VSPACE="2" /></A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/platform/profiles/saab.asp"><B>Saab Aircraft</B></A><BR />
After a highly successful test run of the beta 3 version of the Windows 2000 operating system, Saab Aircraft decided to move directly to the new operating system to gain immediate access to the new features of Windows 2000.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/smartmart.asp"><B>SmartMart, Inc.</B></A><BR />
SmartMart has begun production and expects to produce up to 90 unmanned, remotely monitored stores per month. The built-in functionality, plug-and-play support, and remote management capabilities of Windows 2000 make the plan possible.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/supermarkets.asp"><B>SuperMarkets Online</B></A><BR />
The Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system saves money for SuperMarkets Online, Inc. The reliability of the system, as well as its remote management features and the gains in throughput it offers, work together to reduce the total cost of ownership—a big win for a growing startup.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/virtualbank.asp"><B>VirtualBank</B></A><BR />
Reliability, scalability, faster performance, integrated security, and lower total cost of ownership (TCO) all factor into VirtualBank's decision to migrate to Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/ehome.asp"><B>eHome</B></A><BR />
When eHome needed to get its Web site up and running quickly, it turned to Windows 2000 because of the system's plug-and-play capabilities and overall stability.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/cscontinental.asp"><B>Continental Airlines</B></A><BR />
In a major effort to stem rapidly rising remote-access costs, Continental Airlines is using Microsoft Windows 2000 virtual private networking (VPN) to connect its sales force and other remote users to the corporate network. As an alternative to other types of remote access, Continental is finding that Windows 2000 provides the company with a flexible, secure, high-performance, and cost-effective VPN solution.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/csbanyan.asp"><B>Banyan</B></A><BR />
Migrating to Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional has provided Banyan Worldwide with a common platform that allows for reduced support costs by controlling desktop configuration. Active Directory service provides the core infrastructure that will be used by the next generation of line-of-business applications selected by Banyan.
<TD WIDTH="16"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/csdatareturn.asp"><IMG SRC="/windows2000/images/icoDoc4.gif" WIDTH="11" HEIGHT="11" ALT="Go to Data Return" BORDER="0" VSPACE="2" /></A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/csdatareturn.asp"><B>Data Return</B></A><BR />
Data Return Corporation, a fast-growing Web-hosting company, has decided to migrate its business to the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server family of products.
<TD WIDTH="16"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman"><A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/csibm.asp"><IMG SRC="/windows2000/images/icoDoc4.gif" WIDTH="11" HEIGHT="11" ALT="Go to IBM Corporation" BORDER="0" VSPACE="2" /></A><!--mstheme--></font></TD>
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/cspartners.asp"><B>Partners HealthCare System, Inc.</B></A><BR />
By moving its Telemedicine Unit from a complex platform of ISDN-based video conferencing and proprietary network technologies to a Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server-based Web solution, Partners is able to deliver high-quality health care education and consulting services anytime, anywhere.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/cspersonable.asp"><B>Personable.com</B></A><BR />
A startup company with its sights set on the fast-growing application hosting market, Personable.com chose Microsoft Windows 2000 as the base of an online system that would be equipped for rapid, reliable customer service, yet be easy to manage for the company’s growing staff.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/cssupermarkets.asp"><B>Supermarkets Online, Inc.</B></A><BR />
With traffic steadily increasing at its popular ValuPage.com Web site—which receives about 2 million hits per day and serves about 120,000 dynamic page views—Supermarkets Online needed to get more performance from its servers. After upgrading a few of its database servers to a pre-release version of Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Supermarkets Online saw such large performance gains that it decided to deploy Windows 2000 across the board.
<TD CLASS="small"><!--mstheme--><font face="Times New Roman">
<A HREF="file:///D:/Documents and Settings/ericbrus/My Documents/My Webs/myweb12/server/profiles/univbournemouth.asp"><B>Bournemouth University</B></A><BR />
Bournemouth University needed to upgrade its network and Open Access areas to enhance the software and services available to students and staff alike. Windows 2000 Terminal Services are now used to give students and staff quick and easy access to Office products.